Download How to Unlock XS1 Goliath in Call Of Duty Mobile

Find How to unlock XS1 Goliath faster in COD Mobile Season 3 here! Unlock XS1-Goliath by completing task in XS1-Golaith Challenge.

There are 12 tasks inside the challenge but you don’t have to complete it all. Here are some tasks that helps you to unlock XS1-Goliath fast:

1. Play 5 Mp Matches
Play 5 multiplayer matches, doesn’t count as win or lose just play to the end and you will get 30xp.

2. Kill 60 Enemies in MP Matches
During your 5 mp matches, try to get high kills every game to secure another 25xp. If you can’t just try to play another 1 or 2 match to complete it.

3. Use scorestreak 8 Times and kill 10 Enemies
Tips to complete this task fast is to equip yourself the uav scorestreak and hunter kill drone because they are two of the lowest score require streak. By complete this task you wailt get another 26xp.
XS1-Goliath Total Scorestreak Required: Plus another 20xp from your log in today, the total is 101xp which is more than you need to unlock goliath.

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